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Cyber Essentials Accreditation & Training

Cyber Essentials Accreditation

At EMH, we understand that cyber security is critical for any organisation, regardless of size or industry. That’s why we offer a comprehensive solution to help our clients achieve Cyber Essentials accreditation quickly and easily.

Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed scheme that sets out the minimum requirements for cyber security in organisations. It provides a framework for businesses to protect themselves against common cyber attacks. This is a self assessment where the applicant needs to be able to answer questions that provide evidence you have the technical controls implemented. We also offer Cyber Essentials + which is a verified version of the self-assessment; an external assessor tests and therefore proves that the technical controls are in place.

IT security

What’s Involved?

Our Cyber Essentials offering includes a range of services designed to help you achieve accreditation, including:

  1. Assessment and Gap Analysis: Our team will assess your current cyber security posture against the Cyber Essentials requirements. We’ll identify any gaps and provide you with a detailed report outlining the steps you need to take to achieve accreditation.
  2. Implementation Support: We’ll provide you with practical support to implement the necessary controls and measures required to meet the Cyber Essentials requirements. This includes assistance with policies and procedures, technical controls and staff training.
  3. Certification: Once you’ve implemented the required controls we’ll arrange for an independent certification body to assess your organisation and provide you with Cyber Essentials accreditation.
  4. Ongoing Support: Cyber security is an ongoing process, and we’ll be there to support you every step of the way. We can provide you with ongoing monitoring and support to ensure that you maintain your Cyber Essentials accreditation.
Technology Security

By choosing EMH to help you achieve Cyber Essentials accreditation, you’ll benefit from our extensive experience and expertise in cyber security. We’ll work closely with you to understand your specific needs and provide you with a tailored solution that meets your requirements.

With Cyber Essentials accreditation, you’ll be able to demonstrate to your customers, suppliers, and stakeholders that you take cyber security seriously. This can give you a competitive advantage, as more and more businesses are looking for suppliers who take cyber security seriously.

Talk to the friendly experts at EMH Technology. There’s no obligation – or jargon – involved. Call us on +44 (0)1462 416999 or email us. How can we help you?

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Cyber Security Training

At EMH, we also offer security awareness training via our uSecure platform which provides ongoing assessment and training for your organisation to help alleviate the threats of cyber attacks.

uSecure is a suite of tools to address the user training gaps relating to IT security in your organisation. The portal is designed to be self managing however EMH can provide additional time if needed to help you manage the platform. For a full breakdown of the uSecure platform and its features please click here

Talk to the friendly experts at EMH Technology regarding your cyber security needs. There’s no obligation – or jargon – involved.
Call us on +44 (0)1462 416999 or email us. How can we help you?

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